Andy Evansen – Watercolor Painting
Simplifying Watercolor with Values

Wednesday, May 28, 2025, 6:30 PM

RAA&M Members: $35 | Non-Members: $45

"I've always wanted my paintings to be representational while avoiding too many details. It's so easy to fall into the trap of putting too much into a painting, and editing out the 'non essential' elements in your subject can be a struggle. I often use a value study to simplify the scene and focus on the large shapes, which solidifies the composition and gives me a useful map when going to the color painting. 

Connecting shapes of similar value also allows for those wonderful passages where the pigment and water are allowed to mingle, which is so unique to watercolor. 

My demonstration will focus on these techniques to create a loose but convincing landscape."


“My interest in art started at a young age, and I spent a great deal of my time drawing. When I began watercolor painting in my 20s, I was inspired mostly by the British artists Edward Seago, Ed Wesson and Trevor Chamberlain. Their ability to capture the landscape with such an economy of brushstroke is remarkable, taking advantage of the luminosity of watercolors done in just a few washes. In addition, I was impressed with the way those artists seemed to capture everyday scenes in such a way that revealed a hidden beauty, subjects that many would simply pass by.

I now find myself trying to emulate that in my watercolors of the Midwest.”

Watercolorist Andy Evansen has been featured in many publications and has become a sought-after workshop instructor who paints and teaches internationally. He became a signature member of the prestigious Plein Air Painters of America (PAPA) in 2012 and served as their President from 2015-2017.

His paintings have won numerous awards, including the Bronze and High Winds Medals from the American Watercolor Society.

His love of painting on location also led to him being a featured presenter at the 2014 and 2016 Plein Air Conventions and inclusion in the 2017 Qingdao International Masters Watercolor Plein Air Event.

In 2022 he was voted into the Pure Watercolour Society of England as an International Member.

You can view his work at

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