Ralph Acosta, Evening Ferries at Martha's Vineyard
Watercolor, 22x29

Thomas Adkins, Sailing Weekapaug Inlet
Oil, 24x24

Isaac Aiello, Two Strikes over Rockport Harbor
Photography, 12x18

Joan Appel, Dusk
Oil on canvas, 17x21

David Arsenault, Sun on Washington St
Oil, 18x24

Del-Bourree Bach, After the Storm
Acrylic, 18x30

Judy Miller Bailey, Blush
Photography, 20x20

Peter Bain, Double Dinghy
Oil on canvas, 18x24

Mitch Baird, Signs of Autumn
Oil on linen, 9x12
William & Anne Newcomb Award in Honor of the Newcomb Children for Traditional Painting in Oil, Acrylic or Watercolor

Marcia Ballou, In the Thick of it
Acrylic collage, 30x40
Honorable Mention

David Bareford, At the Gun!
Oil on panel, 20x30

Harley Bartlett, Afternoon Outing
Oil, 24x36

John Bassett, Spring Sprung #4
Recycled bottle glass, plate glass, wood frame, 30x20x2

Beth Bathe, Mary Day

Anne Beinecke, Red Bull with Roses
Acrylic, 18x24

Barry Berman, Halibut Pink
Photography, dye sublimation on metal, 30x45

Diane Britt, Cosmic Clouds
Acrylic on canvas, 24x12

Kerry Buckley, Desperadoes
Oil on linen panel, 14x11

Viktor Butko, Frosty Sunset in Stonington
Oil on linen, 29 1/2 x 39 3/4
Christopher A. Hamilos Memorial Award for Best in Show in Any Medium

John Caggiano, Rolling Fog
Oil, 12x24

Laura Carpenter, Venetian Inspired Raindrop
Porcelain, sgraffito-carved inlay, closed form sculpture, 11x7x7

Lynne Cassinari, Communion: Earth, Sea and Sky
Oil on canvas, 24x30

Matt Cegelis, Pulling Strings
Photograph, 24x16

Mary Chandler, Early Evening on Great Cranberry Island
Watercolor, 22 3/4 x 27

T.A. Charron, Beauty in the Garden
Oil, 20x16

Jill Clemmer, Hanging Around — Sloth Tile
Clay, 3 x 3 x 1/4

James Coe, Evening Shadows Across the Rd
Oil on linen, 18x26

Pat Corlin, All Tucked In
Digital archival print on masonite, 21x27

Ray Crane, Getting Underway, Downeast Maine
Oil, 14x24

Jean Cummiskey, Circa
Mixed media mosaic, 18x18

Alastair Dacey, Hermerocallis, Day Beauty
Oil on linen, 14x11

James Daly, The LaMoille Valley
Oil on linen, 16x20

Mark Daly, Sunlit Sails
Oil on linen, 24x30

Mary Davidson, Stamped Abstract Series #30
Acrylic, 32x40

Ryan Davis, The Perfect Storm
Graphite on paper, 25 3/4 x 19 1/4
Honorable Mention

Terry Del Percio, Melting
Acrylic, 40x30

Stephen Delaney, The Steps of the Workers
Photograph, 28x38

Mike Dorsey, Shadows on the Foam
Oil, 20x20

Patricia Dunbar, Poulty Fish
Watercolor, 14 3/4 x 10 3/4

Claire Gagnon, Scroll
Acrylic, 24x18

Thomas Gaitley, Light Show over the Charles River
Photograph, 16x24

Paul George, Exhilaration
Watercolor, 22x28

Pamela Giarratana, Sunshine Freckles
Oil on board, 16x20

Roger Gill, Brooklyn Bridge, 1938
Oil on canvas, 18x24

William Gotha, Sunlight and Thunder
Oil, 24x36

John Grant, Friendship of Salem
Photograph, 14x24

Michael Graves, Monhegan Island
Oil on canvas, 18x20

Susan Guest-McPhail, River Run
Acrylic, 36x30

Catherine Hafer, Portuguese Perseverance
Oil, 16x20

Law Hamilton, Rollers in the Storm Front
Photograph, 10x18

Mary Hanlon, Eastern Point Lighthouse - Gloucester
Acrylic, 16x20

Pamela Hawkes, After Oberman
Photograph, 20x16 3/4

Olga Hayes, Icy River
Watercolor, 18x24

Bradley Hendershot, A Quiet Day
Watercolor, 15 1/2 x 29 1/4

Allen Hirsh, Broadcasting Complex Ideas
Photograph, 24x30

Carole Holcroft, The Hill At Sunset
Pastel on panel, 14x17

Jennifer Holmes, By the Falls
Oil on canvas, 28x32

Jonathan Hotz, Pigeon Cove
Oil, 20x30

Cindy House, Summer Evening, Monhegan
Pastel, 16x22

Tom Hughes, Cape Ann Coast
Oil, 20x30
Alden Bryan Memorial Award & Gold Medal for Traditional Landscape Painting in Oil

Frank Hyer, Pausing on Babson Island
Oil, 20x15

Heidi Jackson, Walking on Sunshine
Bronze on fieldstone, 26x8x10

Eric Jacobsen, Landscape with Moon
Oil on board, 20x24
William & Anne Newcomb Award in Honor of the Newcomb Grandchildren for Traditional Painting in Oil, Acrylic or Watercolor

Cindy Journey, Little Did They Know
Metallic paints on silk wrapped paper, 26x12x12

Nensi Karanxha, Lost In Moment
Oil on canvas , 36x36

Elizabeth Kayl, Sunset Sentinel
Photograph, 16x20

Stapleton Kearns, Golden Moraine
Oil on canvas, 30x40
McDougall Fine Arts Award for Traditional Painting

Gary Koeppel, Two Lights
Oil, 16x20

Katharine Krieg, Morning Fog at the Vaughan
Oil on canvas, 24x30

Robert Lafond, Narragansett Fishing Boat
Oil, 16x20
Paul Goodnow Memorial Award for Traditional Landscape in Oil

Bill Lane, ACK Evening Glow
Watercolor, 16x20
Mary Bryan Memorial Award & Gold Medal for Contemporary, Representational or Semi-realistic Watercolor

Ann Larsen, Pond Edge
Oil on linen panel, 8x10

Jim Laurino, Double Barrel
Oil on Linen, 13x20

Peter Lemiska, At Work in Joburg
Photograph, 20x16

Adam Leveille, Sunset, Concord Square
Oil on linen, 24x34

Barbara Levine, Another Covid Winter
Oil, 22x22

Christopher Lovely, Making Ends Meet.
Oil, 24x30

Nella Lush, Insieme
Oil/mixed media, 50x40
Charles Movalli Memorial Gold Medal for Excellence in Painting

Steven Lush, Iron Mask IV
Steel & iron, 26x12x5

Susan Lynn, Finding Treasure
Watercolor, 11x14

Leo Mancini-Hresko, Northeast Kingdom
Oil on Linen, 32x40

Carmela Martin, Bright Hope for Tomorrow
Oil and cold wax on canvas, 40x30

George Martin, Harbor Fog
Oil on canvas, 16x24

Kat Masella, Happy Day No. 3
Oil, hot & cold wax, collage, 26x18

Karen Matthews, Golden Hour
Archival pigment under acrylic photograph, 12x12

Patricia McCarthy, View from the Top
Oil on linen, 20x16

Susan McFarlane, Connections
Watercolor, 11x15

Joseph McGurl, Light at Sunset
Oil, 16x20

Jonathan McPhillips, Stray Cat
Oil, 30x30

Judy Metcalfe, Evolution
Watercolor, 29x40

Vaness Michalak, Terrace Lane
Oil on Canvas, 36x40

Robert Miklos, South Wharf Slip 14
Oil on panel incorporating collage, 15 1/2 x 18 1/2

Dianne Panarelli Miller, Horsing Around
Oil, 24x30

Douglas Miller, Galway Bus Stop
Photograph, 16x20

Todd Montanaro, Winter Boatyard
Oil, 16x20

Skip Montello, Little Black Church
Photograph, 24x16

KT Morse, Sunrise on the Great Marsh
Oil, 24x48

Christine Mosher, Donald and the Tetons
Oil on canvas, 23x27

Ruth Mowder, Docked Rowboats
Watercolor, 21 1/2 x 21 1/2

C.W. Mundy, Angelique at Rockport
Oil, 30x40

June Munro, Follow your Heart
Oil on canvas , 24x18

Brian Murphy, Work In Progress
Oil on carved wood panel, 13x24x2

Paul Murray, Enormity
Photograph, 29 1/2 x 22 1/2

Timothy Neill, Sekhmet
Oil, 30x24
Robert & Lucienne Bosselman Memorial Award for Traditional Painting, Graphics, or Sculpture

T.M. Nicholas, Chelsea, Vermont
Oil, 20x24

Linda Nielsen, The Sentinel
Pastel, 18x24

Sinikka Nogelo, Go Green Go
Acrylic on canvas, 30x15

Mary Oleskiewicz, Sunrays at Dawn
Photograph, 29x24

Derek Penix, Harbor in Nice, France
Oil, 24x30
Ken DeWaard Juror’s Choice Certificate

Jenny Pivor, Jazzman
Photograph, 20x16
Honorable Mention

Holly Popeo, Iris Farm
Oil, 11x14

Nicholas Read, January Pigeon Cove
Oil on board, 11x14

Jo Ellen Reinhardt, Dance in Charcoal
Charcoal, 35x26

Tad Retz, Storm Rider
Oil , 20x20
Linnea Leeming Juror’s Choice Certificate

Elizabeth Rhoades, An Irish Summer
Oil, 12x16

Ilene Richard, Beautiful Day
Acrylic, 36x36

Nancy Richards, The Boatyard
Watercolor, 16x12

Judy Robinson-Cox, Pullman
Photograph, 18x24

Tom Robinson-Cox, Fish Boats, Montgomery Boat Yard
Photograph, 18x22

Karen Romani, Beauty of the Garden
Watercolor, 18x14 1/4

Peg Runcie, Sunnyside Farm
Oil, 18x24

Carrie Gustafson, Amethyst Mbola
Hand blown glass with steel stand, 14x16x6
Parco Fine Art Award for Representational Painting or Sculpture

Patricia Schappler, Of Dusk and Dawn
Oil on board, 36x36
Rockport Art Association & Museum Board of Governors Award

Ruth Schneider, Vik #3
Photograph, 16x20

Deb Schradieck, A Pretty Pair
Watercolor on arches paper, 18x24

Paul Schulenberg, Good Catch
Oil on wood panel, 36x28

Janet Schwartz, Glow
Pastel, 18x18

Debbie Shirley, 1 Hr. Service
Acrylic, 24x18

Charles Shurcliff, My Week at the Lake
Acrylic, 24x24

Rosalie Sidoti, Canopy of Clouds
Oil on canvas, 16x20

Steven Simpson, Lessons From The Master
Oil, 24x30

Katalin Spang, Bella Italia
Watercolor, 11x14

Caleb Stone, Winter Afternoon Essex Boatyard
Oil on linen, 24x30

Anita I. Johnson, Snowbound
Oil, 40x43

Janet Sutherland, Moon Tide Marsh
Oil on canvas, 18x24

Douglas Taylor, The Vigil
Oil on canvas, 30x40

Susan Termyn, Tidal Cove, Eastham
Oil, 24x36
BankGloucester Sponsorship Award for Best Creative Landscape

Eric Tobin, In the Heart of the Green Mountains
Oil on linen, 16x24

Jeffrey Trubisz, Col Raiser, Dolomites
Photograph, 17 1/2 x 35 1/2

Hannah Ueno, Down Under and Beyond
Pen and ink, 43x46
(online gallery only)

George Van Hook, Essex Boatyard
Oil, 20x24

Sam Vokey, Gull Rock
Oil, 20x23
Gallery Montanaro Award for a Traditional Seascape or Marine Painting

Lidija Vukovic, Flowing in Time
Acrylic and oil on canvas, 16x12

Karl Weld, Slow Roller, Wingaersheek
Watercolor, 20x26

Christine Whalen-Waller, The Realist
Charcoal, 24x18

Susanne White, Rock 'n Roll Thunder
Acrylic , 36x48

Daniel Whiteknact, Gould Hill Farm
Oil on canvas, 20x26

Joyce Wood, Great White Egret
Watercolor, 24 1/2 x 33

Joli Ayn Wood, The Breakthrough
Oil, 16x20