Getting Started in Watercolor: The Landscape - Workshop with Marian Colman
Getting Started in Watercolor: The Landscape - Workshop with Marian Colman
Friday & Saturday, April 25 & 26, 2025, 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Registration Deadline: April 11
$240 RAA&M Members
$290 Non-Members
Have you been intrigued with watercolor and wondered what it would take to get started in this luminous medium? Designed for beginners, this two day workshop will cover the basic tools and techniques of the medium, focusing on watercolor exercises rather than finished pieces. Emphasis will be placed on familiarizing students with washes, mixing color, understanding value, and using special techniques.
Beginners Level. The group will be limited to 12 participants.
PENTALIC WATERCOLOR FIELD BOOK, wire bound 11 x 14” 24 sheets, 140 LB paper
If you can’t find that, use Strathmore Watercolor Visual Journal 140 LB paper 9 x 12”
Arches #140 Cold Press paper- minimum 1 sheet 22” x 30”
Mijello Fusion Airtight/Leakproof palette, or use whatever palette you already have
Synthetic blend brushes: recommend Silver Black Velvet brush line Series 3000S
Round sizes #4, #6, and #12
SBV 1/2” flat brush is nice to have, not necessary
Liner or script brush: recommend the Robert Simmons Series S51, #1.
If you already have brushes, use what you have.
Artist quality tube watercolor paints, 1 warm and 1 cool of each primary color - do not buy Cotman
Quinacridone Rose *Daniel Smith
Pyroll Scarlet *Daniel Smith
Hansa Yellow Light
Hansa Yellow Deep
Winsor Blue (Red Shade)
French Ultramarine Blue *Winsor Newton
Burnt Sienna *Winsor Newton
Payne’s Gray *Winsor Newton
* Indicates the preferred brand, however feel free to use what you already have.
Roll of neutral-color/uncolored masking tape, recommend Scotch Contractor Grade masking tape #2020
2 water containers
Tissues or paper towels
Old toothbrush if you have one
Pencil and eraser
Black Sharpie marker- fine or ultra fine
Board to tape paper to- Gatorboard, Masonite, or plexiglass, about 11 x 15 or larger
Old towel or household sponge to wipe your brush on
Small spray bottle or mister ( Holbein makes 1 specifically for watercolor use that is about $3)
Small sketchbook
Please email Marian if you have any questions at