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Introduction to Nature Journaling – ONLINE with Erica Beade

  • Rockport Art Association & Museum 12 Main Street Rockport, MA 01966 United States (map)

Tuesday, April 22, 2025, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Registration Deadline: April 8

$40 RAA&M Members
$50 Non-Members


Keeping a nature journal can be a wonderful way to enhance our explorations of nature. Drawing and writing about our experiences can help us slow down, look more closely, and build a record of our observations. In this online workshop with artist and educator Erica Beade, we'll explore techniques for getting started, look at examples, do some hands-on exercises, and have time for Q&A. 

All skill levels are welcome. The group will be limited to 12 participants. Erica will send you an invite with the Zoom link before the meeting.

· a multipurpose sketchbook or drawing paper (preferably 9 x 12 in. or larger)
· drawing pencils of different hardness (HB, 2B or softer)
· pencil sharpener
· 1 gray kneaded eraser
· 1 white plastic eraser

Optional supplies: Pens or colored pencils

Please collect some natural objects that you find interesting to use for nature journaling. These could be plants, flowers, leaves, seedpods, shells, rocks, bones - even fruits or vegetables.