RAA&M Juried Artist Members
Juried Artist Members in the categories of Painting, Graphics, Sculpture, and Photography are admitted through an annual jury process which evaluates the merit of their work, based on professionalism of technique and originality. They are some of the country's most talented fine artists and fine art photographers.
The RAA&M is one of the oldest and most active art associations in the United States. Benefits of being selected as a Juried Artist Member include:
Exhibition opportunities in solo and group juried & non-juried shows
Opportunities to instruct and attend workshops
Participation in year-round classes, sketch groups, lectures and artist demonstrations
A Membership jury comprised of RAA&M Juried Artist Members reviews applications annually in the Fall. Click here for information about the Juried Artist Membership Application process.
Jude Abbe | John Abisamra | Evelyn Y. Addante | Thomas Adkins | Isaac Aiello | J.C. Airoldi | Nancy Alimansky | Daniel Altshuler | Tom Amend | George Anderson | Andrew Anderson-Bell | Barbara Aparo | Jill Whitney Armstrong | David Arsenault | Donald Atkinson | Mark Atkinson
Sharon Jordan Bahosh | Daniel Bailey | Judy Miller Bailey | Tom Bailey | Peter Bain | Hilary Baldwin | Mark Bankoff | David Bareford | Mildred Bartee | Harley Bartlett | Joan Bediz | Jennifer Behymer | Merry Beninato | Marcy Bergeron-Noa | Roseann Berluti | Barry Berman | Lorrie Berry | Penny Billings | Dale Blank | Dale Sherman Blodget | Robert Bliss | Barbara Brewer | Anne Brooks | Mark Brophy | Alan Browne | Lois Brynes | Kyle Buckland
John Caggiano | Mary Callahan | Teri Canelle Eramo | Nancy Caplan | Edward Carson | Sharon Carson | Matt Cegelis | Geoffrey Chalmers | Mary Chandler | Janice Carragher Charles | T.A. Charron | Eva Cincotta | Marian Colman | Robin Colodzin | Michael Compton | Traci Thayne Corbett | Pamela Courtleigh | Melissa Cox | Christopher Coyne | Ray Crane | William Curtis
J.E. Daly | Mark Daly | Susan Daly | Gary Davis | Nancy E. Davis | Ryan Davis | Stephen Delaney | Donald Demers | Anne Demeter | Vicki Diez-Canseco | Martha Doolin | Mike Dorsey | Barbara Dowd | Cassie Doyon | Dave Drinon | Cynthia Dunaway | Gregory Dunham | Cheryl Dyment
Shelly Eager | Alex Elin | Susan Ellis | Jeannette Steele Esposito
Martha Farnsworth | Sean Farrell | David Fernandes | Charles Fields | Karen Fitzgerald | John Fleming | William James Flynn | Faripour Forouhar | Pamela Fox | Robert Frascella | Ralph Frisina
Thomas Gaitley | Theresa Gambardella | Keith Gantos | Erin Garrett-Metz | Ilona Gelpey | Paul George | Olga Gernovski | Gavin M. Gewecke | Alberta Geyer | Pamela Giarratana | Jim Gibbons | Richard Giedd | Roger Gill | Tom Gill | Douglas Gillette | Patricia Gillis-Coppola | Bonnie Glenn | Ann Goldberg | Lynda Goldberg | Dina Gomery | Jan Goodwin | Justin Gordon | Gregory Gorham | Pamela Gover | Michael Graves | Dale Partis Greene | Stephen Griffin | William Grillo | Robert Gruppé | Susan Guest-McPhail
Marion Hall | Myra Hall | Law Hamilton | Sherrill Hannon | Kate Hanlon | William G. Hanson | Sylvia Harper | David Hatfield | Storey Hieronymus Hauck | Jack Hay | Douglas Heath | Bradley Hendershot | Jennifer Holmes | Karen Hosking | Jonathan Hotz | Steven Howard | Laureen Hylka
Heidi Jackson | Gail Jenner | Anita I. Johnson | Annalee Johnson | Jacqueline Jones | Phyllis Jones | Bruce Johnson | Cindy Journey | Carolyn Jundzilo
Dave Kaphammer | Linda Kauss | Stapleton Kearns | Susan Kelley | Janet Kierstead | Ken Knowles | Barbara Kremer | Janice Koskey | Katharine Krieg | Barbara Krupp | Lenny Kuehne
Alison Landoni | Bill Lane | Richard LaRoche | Otto Laske | Carolyn Latanision | Julie Lawrence | Steven Leeb | Jacques Léveillé | Paul Leveille | Barbara Levine | Gary Linder | Neil Linsenmayer | Candace Lovely | Nella Lush | Steve Lush | Barbara Lussier | Susan Lynn
Mike MacLean | Carin Macnamara | Fred MacNeill | Leo Mancini-Hresko | Carmela Martin | George Martin | Kat Masella | Jennifer McCalmont | Kathleen McCarthy | Patricia McCarthy | Dawn McDonald | Joseph McGurl | Dylan McKnight | Judythe Evans Meagher | Lynne B. Mehlman | Bill Mensching | Judy Metcalfe | Dianne Panarelli Miller | Sarah L.L. Milton | Jesse Mireles | Candace Mitchell | Dorothy Kerper Monnelly | Ed Monnelly | Skip Montello | Todd Montanaro | Alicia Mordenti | KT Morse | Christine Mosher | Debbie Mueller | Nancy Muise | Helen K. “Ditty” Mulry | C.W. Mundy | Jim Murphy | Kathy Murphy
Chris Needham | Timothy Neill | T.M. Nicholas | Thomas Nicholas | Linda Jo Nielsen
Peggy Harold O’Brien | Mary Rose O'Connell | Brian O’Connor | Kerry O'Donnell | Ann Marie O’Dowd | Rae O’Shea | Jennifer Jean Okumura | Judith Oleson | Michele O'Neil | Gary Oro
Nick Paciorek | Vail Pagliarani | Walter Pasko | Emily Passman | Eileen Patten Oliver | Bethany Peck | Theresa Pergal | Mary Ann Perkins | Pamela Perras | David Piemonte | Pamela Pindell | Thomas Philbrook | Christine Pitman | Dennis Poirier | Marlene Evans Putnam
Herbert Randle | Dorothy Ramsey | Dale Ratcliff | Joel Ray | Nicholas Read | Carey Reilly | Jo Ellen Reinhardt | Tad Retz | Elizabeth Rhoades | Christina Rhodes | Ilene Richard | Arlene Richardson | Carol Robey | Richard Roche | Charlotte Roberts | Judy Robinson-Cox | Tom Robinson-Cox | Sergio Roffo | Karen Rovner | Judi Rotenberg | Peg Runcie | Peter Russell
Monique Sakellarios | Roger Salisbury | Marilene Sawaf | Judith Schmid | Ruth Schneider | Deb Schradieck | Ken Schuster | Janet Schwartz | Lully Schwartz | James Seavey | Mark Shasha | Debbie Shirley | Charles Shurcliff | Rosalie Sidoti | Linda Sinacola | Leigh H. Slingluff | Allan Forrest Small | Eric Smith | Joe K. Smith | Elaine Somers | Katalin Spang | Kathleen Staab | Caleb Stone | Stoney Stone | Susan Stone | Ron Straka | Pam Stratton | Carole Stremple | Janet Sutherland | Marilyn Swift | Linda Szabo
Andrea Taylor | Douglas Taylor | Susan Termyn | Anthony Tomaselli | Jeffrey Trubisz | Scott Tubby | Gary Tucker | Kathryn Tuck | Bruce Backman Turner | Karen Tusinski | David Tutwiler | Liné Tutwiler | Peter Tysver
Andrea Van Gestel | Sam Vokey
David Walsh | Tom Waters | Don Watson | Karen Watson | Jeff Weaver | Meghan Weeks | Christine Whalen Waller | Charlotte Wharton | Susanne White | Cyrus Whittier | Michael Wiklund | Kirk Williamson | Jean Winslow | Janet Wolahan | Joyce Wood | Stephen Wood | Yvonne Wood | Lynn Wrona | Ronald Wybranowski
David Young
Daniel Zampino | Heidi Caswell Zander